or, perhaps Olive the Woolly Blogger...

Author: Kirk Werner (Page 2 of 14)

The Fly Fishing Show

The Fly Fishing Show makes the rounds this time of year, stopping at a few large markets. In the past the show came to Bellevue, WA, which is a suburb of Seattle. Then it was gone for a few years. Now it’s back, only this time the show makes it appearance at the Convention Center in Lynnwood, which lies 17 miles to the north of Seattle.

This year I’ll be attending the show as a spectator eager to kick tires and test cast a new rod, but I’ll also be at the Author’s Booth signing Olive books. Stop on by if you’re at the show; bring your own copies of books or purchase at the show. I’ll be there at 11:oo AM on Saturday and 12:30 PM on Sunday.


Hope to see you there!


Sponsor Spotlight: Fly Fusion magazine

This is Part 8 in a series of sponsor spotlights to shout out to the companies that helped make the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app a possibility. The app is available in the App Store, here, and right now during the month of December the app is on sale for only $1.


1. Business Name: Fly Fusion Magazine

2. Your title/position: (Jennifer Bird) Executive Publisher.

3. Services Offered: Fly Fusion is a quarterly publication focused on growing and educating the fly-fishing community while remaining on the cutting edge of relevance.

4. How long have you been in business/worked for your current company? Our 10th anniversary issue will be out on stands February 25th!

5. What made you decide to become a sponsor of the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app? Our kids have been huge fans of Olive since they were old enough to sit up.  My 6-year old can now read the books to his little brother.  Olive was truly their first introduction to fly-fishing and has had such a positive influence on their love of the sport. It seemed only natural that we would throw our support behind any  “Olive initiatives” that would help introduce other kids in the same way!


Thank you to Fly Fusion for being an app sponsor (and overall wonderful supporter). Please visit their website and consider a subscription to their magazine—truly a great publication!

Sponsor Spotlight: Angling University

This is Part 7 in a series of sponsor spotlights to shout out to the companies that helped make the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app a possibility. The app is available in the App Store, here, and right now during the month of December the app is on sale for only $1.


Angling University is the main, “gold” sponsor of the app


1. Business Name: Angling University (a member of The Flyfisher Group)

2. Your title/position: (Ethan Emery) Director of Outreach and Education.

3. Services Offered:  Fishing and fly fishing classes, lessons, camps, online instruction.

4. How long have you been in business/worked for your current company? 9 years.

5. What made you decide to become a sponsor of the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app? We believe in the importance of furthering the sport of fly fishing and all that it stands for. Olive the Woolly Bugger represents our core values as a business; education, conservation, appreciation for the outdoors, and an understanding of ones role in the larger society and ecosystem. We hold strongly to the idea that fishing does something uniquely positive for your sole and that all people should be able to experience the joys of angling.


Thank you to Angling University for being the Gold Sponsor. Please visit their website and see all that they offer as far as products, services and education programs.

Sponsor Spotlight: Mill River Fly Rods

This is Part 6 in a series of sponsor spotlights to shout out to the companies that helped make the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app a possibility. The app is available in the App Store, here, and right now during the month of December the app is on sale for only $1.


1. Business Name:  Mill River Fly Rods

2. Your title/position: Owners Bill and Lynn Lanzoni

3. Services Offered:  Fresh Water Fly Fishing Equipment (Rods, Reels Line, Accessories); Casting and Fly Fishing Lessons; Guiding Referrals and Outfitting

4. How long have you been in business/worked for your current company? Mill River Fly Rods opened its doors in 2009 to provide quality fly fishing equipment at reasonable prices. Our goal is to promote interest in fly fishing and the importance of clean water and habitat. We look to provide support for youth activities and encourage life long appreciation for the importance of environmental activities. Mill River Fly Rods is an Outfitter, Guides, and Business Member of Trout Unlimited. We are active in Trout in the Classroom and merit badge activites for local scout troops

5. What made you decide to become a sponsor of the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app?  Our first Grandson was born in September 2008. I purchased Oliver the Woolly Bugger in 2009 for him because I saw Kirk Werner’s publication as one that sincerely reached out to kids to help them begin to appreciate fly fishing and stream ecology in easy to understand terms for children. We have all three books and have read each to Derek as he is still too young to read them. He does know how to chuck bugs and reaches for the iPad whenever he is over. I viewed Kirk’s app promotion as a sincere interest to introduce children to fly fishing and stream ecology. How could we not become a sponsor?


Thank you to Mill River Fly Rods for being a sponsor. Please check their website for all that they offer: www.millriverflyrods.com 

Sponsor Spotlight: Orvis

This is Part 5 in a series of sponsor spotlights to shout out to the companies that helped make the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app a possibility. The app is available in the App Store, here, and right now during the month of December the app is on sale for only $1.



1. Business Name: The Orvis Company

2. Your title/position: (Steve Hemkens) Divisional Merchandise Manager

3. Services Offered:  Fly fishing and hunting products and services

4. How long have you been in business/worked for your current company? 7 years.

5. What made you decide to become a sponsor of the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app? Orvis is committed to helping beginners get the most out of their fly fishing experience, which is why we offer free classes across the US. We also know that children are the future of not only the sport, but fishing-related conservation. The Olive the Woolly Bugger series of books aim to do just that, which is why we are proud to support the Olive the Woolly Bugger app. Getting kids excited at an early age is key to the future.


Thank you to Orvis for being a sponsor. Please visit their website and see all that they have to offer as far as products, services and programs.

Sponsor Spotlight: Flyfishmap.com

This is Part 4 in a series of sponsor spotlights to shout out to the companies that helped make the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app a possibility. The app is available in the App Store, here, and right now during the month of December the app is on sale for only $1.



1. Business Name: FlyFishMap.com

2. Your title/position: (Ed Burgass) Founder/Owner

3. Services Offered:  FlyFishMap is a google maps mashup collating fly fishing information from around the world. It’s been in beta for 3 years now and during that time, we’ve learnt a lot about the market and made lots of connections largely through social media. The new version we are planning will certainly reflect that experience.  It will contain improved functionality, more social media integration, enhanced mapping solutions, improved browser and platform compatibility and more interesting services for fly fishing businesses to promote themselves.

We hope to have this out in early 2013 so stay tuned.

4. How long have you been in business/worked for your current company? 3 years.

5. What made you decide to become a sponsor of the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app? I love what Kirk has been trying to achieve with the Olive brand and think the books are great…it’s blatantly a great way of introducing kids to fly fishing and showing them some of the core principles of responsible fly fishing in a fun way. The iPad just seems like the perfect platform for the books, kids love iPads and the interactivity just adds another dimension to the printed product.

So I thought it was a great opportunity to support a brilliant idea and FlyFishMap is proud to be associated with the Olive iPad app.


Thank you to FlyFishMap for being a sponsor. Please check out their website, spend a little time looking around and seeing what it’s about.

Sponsor Spotlight: Al Ritt Flies

This is Part 3 in a series of sponsor spotlights to shout out to the companies that helped make the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app a possibility. The app is available in the App Store, here, and right now during the month of December the app is on sale for only $1.



1. Business Name:  Al Ritt Flies.

2. Your title/position:  Al and Diana Ritt – co-owners.

3. Services Offered:  Fly tying classes for groups, shops and individuals.  Fly tying demonstrations, fly fishing and tying presentations for clubs and shows.  Custom fly orders.

4. How long have you been in business/worked for your current company?  Business was formed in 2004.

5. What made you decide to become a sponsor of the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app?  We provide and support educational opportunities in fly fishing and fly tying.  We support conservation and environmental awareness.  We believe it’s important to communicate these messages and opportunities to our youth and believe Olive is an enjoyable personality that engages kids and apps appeal to today’s younger generations so they are a format kids are comfortable with and will utilize.


Thank you to Al Ritt Flies for being a sponsor. Please visit their website and learn more: Alrittflies.com 

Sponsor Spotlight: PEAK Fishing

This is Part 2 in a series of sponsor spotlights to shout out to the companies that helped make the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app a possibility. The app is available in the App Store, here, and right now during the month of December the app is on sale for only $1.


1. Business Name:  PEAK Fishing

2. Your title/position:  (Al Ritt) Brand Manager

3. Services Offered:  Manufacturer of premium quality fly tying vises and accessories.  We do not sell products retail, but we have an extensive list of dealers and all are listed on the Where to Buy page of our web site.

4. How long have you been in business/worked for your current company?  PEAK Fishing their first vise in April of 2002.  I came to work for PEAK Fishing in February of 2009.

5. What made you decide to become a sponsor of the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app?  PEAK believes that recruitment of young fly fishers and fly tiers is critical to the sport and to the industry.  The history of the Olive book series combined with the popularity of apps seems like a great combination to communicate to a new generation the fun that can be had fishing, fly tying and being outdoors in general.  It also provides younger persons a look at how our natural environment is all interrelated which is a first step to understanding critical issues such as conservation of resources.


Thank you to PEAK Fishing for being a sponsor. Please check out the PEAK Fishing website for all that they offer for your fly fishing needs: Peakfishing.com 

Sponsor Spotlight: Redington

This is Part 1 in a series of sponsor spotlights to shout out to the companies that helped make the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app a possibility. The app is available in the App Store, here, and right now during the month of December the app is on sale for only $1.


1. Business Name: Redington

2. Your title/position: (Jennifer Gish) Marketing Manager

3. Services Offered: Redington designs and manufacturers everything you need for fly fishing. Including rods, reels, outfits, waders, boots, apparel and accessories.

4. How long have you been in business/worked for your current company? I have been with Redington for a little over 3 years now.

5. What made you decide to become a sponsor of the Olive the Woolly Bugger iPad app? For the past few years Redington has spent a lot of effort trying to get new people into the sport of fly fishing, including our youth. They are the future of fly fishing. Redington loves Olive and what she does for kids. Olive the Woolly Bugger makes fly fishing even more fun and makes it exciting for our youth. How could we not be a part of something with that much passion!


Thank you to Redington for being a sponsor. Please check out the Redington website for all that they offer for your fly fishing needs: Redington.com


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