I was recently informed that Olive the Little Woolly Bugger is ranked 1st according to sales in the category of Childrens Books & Videos with Angler’s Book Supply,  the leading supplier of books and videos about fly fishing, fishing and hunting to retail stores world-wide.

Olive and The Big Stream is ranked #3 and Olive Goes for a Wild Ride is ranked 6th.

While this is obviously the kind of good news an author likes to hear, Olive can do better.

These sales figures show that the first book is outselling the others, which on one hand makes sense because it’s the first in the series.  I’d like to see the other two books sell just as many copies as the first.  It is, afterall, a series.

So remember, if you purchased Olive the Little Woolly Bugger, and you liked it, there are two more available and they’re equally as fun, engaging and “edutational”.

Thanks for the support from all of you who have gotten hooked on Olive!