I recently recieved an email from Jon Schwartz, who is keeper of the Blue Water Jon blog.

In addition to being a writer and photographer, Jon is an elementary school teacher. He also likes to teach fishing to kids.

Obviously Olive the woolly bugger is about specifically introducing fly fishing to kids, but let’s face it: fishing, in general, is a great activity to get kids involved in, and anyone doing that is doing the right thing.

Look at the photos in this blog entry. Do those kids look like they’re having a blast?  Will those memories last a lifetime?  You bet!

Jon is obviously a dedicated educator and has been known to go fishing for the sole purpose of teaching his students about fish. Read about the sacrifices he’s had to make, all in the name of fishing teaching, here!

He also shared this Pacific Coast Sportfishing article which he wrote and took the photographs for.

It’s always rewarding to see people follow their passions and share their experiences with others. I believe all educators need to be passionate about teaching our kids today, because those kids are the leaders of tomorrow. To that end, teaching kids about fishing today will greatly increase the likelihood that those kids will be the stewards of our resources tomorrow.

Kudos to you, Jon, for all that you do.  And thanks for sharing.